Mittwoch, 20. Januar 2016

Queen's University To Do List

An einer der Einführungsveranstaltungen gab es eine Liste zu was man auf jeden Fall machen soll, während man hier an der Queen's University ist. Genau das, wonach ich unbewusst gesucht habe. Mal gucken, ob ich's schaffe!

1. Try a CoGro "top secret bagel

2. Go to throwback at Underground on a Thursday Night
3. Do the Oil Thigh cheer, even if you don't know the words!
4. Stagerage at Stages on a Thursday night
5. Slam an engineer purple jacket
6. Try Smoke's poutine
7. Go skating downtown Kingston
8. Hot chocolate at Sips post-skate
9. Take a walk by Lake Ontario
10. Play hockey on an Outdoor Rink
11. Attend a hockey game
12. Go to a Queen's Gaels sports game at the ARC
13. Go to Ritual at Clark Hall Pub
14. Work out in every room of the ARC
15. Take a picture of a fat squirrel and post it to social media
16. Get dressed up and take a picture in front of Goode's Hall
17. Have a snowball fight
18. Karaoke at the Nog, another Thursday night event
19. "Borrow" a tray from the cafeteria and go tobogganing on Summerhill
20. Buy Queen's swag (Tricolour, Bookstore, Oil Thigh Designs)
21. Tea at the Tearoom (less basic than Starbucks!)
22. St Patrick's Day on Aberdeen Street
23. Try maple syrup - lots of maple syrup!
24. Get a walk by Walkhome
25. Get a Burger at The Works
26. Find the Harry Potter room
27. See a local Canadian band play (good venues are Mansion, Brooklyn, Alehouse, the Grand, Grad Club)
28. Eat a Beavertail
29. Get a Caesar at QP
30. Go to a Queen's Player's show

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